1. P.Indira, B.Selvam and K.Thirusangu (2021): Pell labeling and mean
square sum labeling for the extended duplicate graph of quadrilateral
snake, Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences, Vol.20, No.9,
2. P.Indira, B.Selvam and K.Thirusangu (2021): Proper lucky labeling and
lucky edge labeling for the extended duplicate graph of quadrilateral snake,
International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology, Vol.67(1), pp.
3. C.Shobana Sarma and K.Thirusangu (2021): Acyclic Coloring
of Extended Duplicate graph of firecracker(Fn, 2) graph families, Advances
and Applications in Mathematical Sciences, Vol.20, No.9, pp. 1897-1907.
4. S.Sriram and K.Thirusangu (2021): 2-Odd Labeling of Some Graphs and Its
Joins, Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences, Vol.20, No.8, pp.
5. S.Sriram and K.Thirusangu (2021): I -Cordial Labeling of Spider Graphs,
TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics,Vol.11, pp.164-172.
6. K.Thirusangu and A.Selvaganapathy (2021):The Gaussian Antimagic Labeling
on Some Special Graphs, Advances and Applications in Mathematical
Sciences, Vol.20, No.9, pp. 1767-1786.
7. K.Thirusangu and R.Barathiraja (2021):Magic and Antimagic Labelings on
Cayley digraphs over the groups Zp
n ⊕ Zp
n , Advances and Applications in
Mathematical Sciences, Vol.20, No.9, pp. 1851-1864.
8. K.Thirusangu, P.Elumalai and K.Srinivasan (2021): Product Root Sum labelling
on Path related Graphs, Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences,
Vol.20, No.9, pp. 1879-1896 .
9. K.Thirusangu, C.Shobana Sarma and M.Vimala Bai (2021): The b-Coloring of
extended Duplicate Graph of Star related Graphs, Advances and Applications
in Mathematical Sciences, Vol.20, No.9, pp. 1669-1674 .
10. P. Vijayakumar, K. Thulukkanam and K.Thirusangu (2021): 1 Modulo 3
Graceful Labeling in Certain Classes of Graphs, Advances and Applications
in Mathematical Sciences, Vol.20, No.9, pp. 1655-1667.
11. A. Asha Rani, K.Thirusangu, B.J.Murali and A. Manonmani (2020): Narayana
prime cordial labeling of generalized Petersen Graph, Malaya Journal of
Matematik Vol.S, No.1, pp. 1-5
12. A. Asha Rani, K.Thirusangu, B.J.Balamurugan and A. Manonmani (2020):
Narayana prime cordial labeling of grid Graph , AIP Conference Proceedings
13. S.Bala, S.Sundarraj and K.Thirusangu (2020): Some cordial labelings for
Barycentric twig family graph, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2261.
14. S.Bala, S.Sundarraj and K.Thirusangu (2020): Labelings in the Context of
Digraphs, The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental modal
analysis Vol. XII, Issue VII, pp.1267-1272.
15. R. Ezhilarasi, T.V. Sudharsan and S. Sivabramanian (2020): On certain subclass
of Univalent Functions with finitely many fixed coefficients defined by Bessel
function, Malaya Journal of Matematik ,Vol. 8,No.3, pp.1085-1091
16. P.Indira and B.Selvam and K.Thirusangu (2020): Lucky and proper lucky
labeling for the extended duplicate graph of triangular snake, Journal of
Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Vol.7, No. 6, pp. 883-890.
17. P.Indira, B.Selvam and K.Thirusangu (2020): L(3,1)- Labeling for some
extended duplicate graph, International Journal of Emerging Technologies and
Innovative Research, Vol.7, No.11, pp. 383 -392.
18. P.Indira and B.Selvam and K.Thirusangu (2020): L(2,1)-Labeling for some
extended duplicate graph, Journal of Applied Science and Computations, Vol.
VII(XI), pp. 51-60.
19. P.Indira and B.Selvam and K.Thirusangu (2020): Adjacent Edge graceful
labeling for some extended duplicate graphs, Journal of Applied Science and
Computations, Vol.VII(VI), pp. 191-198.
20. S.Sriram and K.Thirusangu (2020): Combination Labeling of Joins of Fire
Cracker graph, Malaya Journal of Matematik, Vol.S.No.1, pp.196-199.
21. S.Sriram and K.Thirusangu (2020): A study on M-joins of super mean labeling
of some digital numbers, Malaya Journal of Matematik, Vol.S.No.1, pp.679-685
22. K.Thirusangu and A.Selvaganapathy (2020): Gaussian Anti Magic Labeling
in Sunlet and Triangular Snake Graphs, Malaya Journal of Matematik, Vol.S,
No.1. pp. 148-152
23. K.Thirusangu and A.Selvaganapathy (2020): Gaussian Anti Magic Labeling in
Some Special Graphs, Malaya Journal of Matematik, Vol.S, No.1. pp. 231-235.
24. K.Thirusangu, K. Srinivasan and P. Elumalai (2020): On product root sum
mean labeling of some new class of graph, AIP conference proceeding. Vol.
25. P.Vijayakumar, R.Jegan and K.Thirusangu (2020): Group {1, −1, i, −i} Cordial
labeling in certain classes of duplicate graphs, AIP Conference Proceedings,
26. K.Anitha and B.Selvam and K.Thirusangu (2019): Distance −2 Coloring on
Human chain graph and Circular Human chain graph, Journal of Applied
Science and Computations, Vol. VI, Issue I, pp. 500-511
27. K.Anitha and B.Selvam and K.Thirusangu (2019): New Irregular Colorings of
Graphs, Journal of Applied Science and Computations, Vol. VI, Issue V, 269-279
28. S.Bala, S. Sundarraj and K.Thirusangu (2019): Cordial Labelings for Twig
Related Graph, Journal of Applied Science and Computations, Vol. VI, Issue
IV, pp. 234-241
29. S.Bala, S.Sundarraj and K. Thirusangu , (2019) Cordial Labelings for Comb
related Graph, Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences Section – E – Mathematics
and Statistics, Vol. 38E, No. 2(S), pp.92-98
30. S. Bala, V. Krithika Devi and K. Thirusangu ,(2019), Some cordial labelings on
square graph of a comb , Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences Section – E –
Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 38E, No 2(S), pp. 112-118
31. B.J.Balamurugan, K.Thirusangu, B.J.Murali, (2019): Computing Narayana
Prime Cordial Labeling of Web Graphs and Flower Graphs , Ambient
Communications and Computer Systems, Advances in Intelligent Systems and
Computing (Springer),Vol.904, pp. 411-419
32. B. J. Balamurugan, K.Thirusangu, B. J. Murali, and J. Venkateswara Rao (2019):
Computation of Narayana Prime Cordial Labeling of Book Graphs, Applied
Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Trends in Mathematics,( Springer),
Vol.2, pp. 547-553
33. V.Celin Mary, K.Thirusangu, D.Suresh,(2019): Some Graph Labelings on
Extended Duplicate Graph of Jahangir Graph, Journal of Applied Science and
Computations, Volume VI, Issue I, pp. 608-613
34. V.Celin Mary, K.Thirusangu, D.Suresh, (2019): Some Graph Labelings on
Inflation of Split Graph of Path Graph, Journal of Applied Science and
Computations, Volume VI, Issue I, pp. 575-582
35. E.Esakkiammal, K.Thirusangu and S.Seethalakshmi, (2019): Lucky Edge
Labeling of H-Super Subdivision of Certain Graphs, Journal of Applied Science
and Computations, Vol. VI, Issue IV, pp. 242-246
36. E. Esakkiammal, K.Thirusangu and S. Seethalakshmi , (2019): Proper
d− Lucky Labeling on Arbitrary Super Subdivision of Some Graphs, Journal
of Applied Science and Computations, Volume VI, Issue I, pp. 595-602
37. E.Esakkiammal, K.Thirusangu and S.Seethalakshmi, (2019): d− Lucky
Number of Contract H− Super Subdivision of Disjoint Union of Cycle Graphs,
Journal of Applied Science and Computations, Volume VI, Issue I, pp. 603-607
38. E. Esakkiammal, K.Thirusangu and S. Seethalakshmi , (2019): Proper
d− Lucky Labeling on Arbitrary Super Subdivision of New family of Graphs,
International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 7, Issue 5,
pp. 85-90
39. R.Ezhilarasi and K.Thirusangu (2019): On the adjacent vertex distinguishing
total coloring of some special graphs, Journal of Applied Science and
Computations, Volume VI, Issue I, pp. 669-674
40. P.Indira, B.Selvam and K.Thirusangu (2019): Total 3− Sum Cordial
and Product E- Cordial Labeling for The Extended Dublicate Graph of
Quadrilateral Snake Graph, Journal of Applied Science and Computations, Vol.
VI, Issue I, pp. 476-483
41. P.Indira and B.Selvam and K.Thirusangu (2019): 3-total edge sum cordial and
Integer edge cordial labeling for the extended duplicate graph of triangular
snake, Journal of Physics, Conference Series, Vol. 377.
42. P.Indira, B.Selvam and K.Thirusangu (2019): Z3 -vertex magic total labeling
and Z3 -edge magic total labeling for the extended duplicate graph of
quadrilateral snake, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol.1000.
43. S.Sriram, R.Govindarajan and K.Thirusangu (2019): Square Difference
Labeling of Triangular Snake Graph attaching Edges at Each of the Top Vertex,
The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis,
Vol.XI, Issue.X, pp.297-302
44. D.Nithya and C.Elango, Fuzzy EOQ Perishability, (2019): Inventory Model
with Partial Backorder Service Facility System with Timed Waiting Space,
Journal of Applied Science and Computations, Vol VI, Issue III,
45. S. Poornavel, K.Thirusangu and P. Nedumaran (2019): Group Action on
(M, N)− Fuzzy Group, Journal of Applied Science and Computations, Volume
VI, Issue I, pp. 614-627
46. R. Rajeswari, K.Thirusangu and P. Nedumaran (2019): On vertex-magic total
labelings of Cayley digraphs, Journal of Applied Science and Computations,
Volume VI, Issue I, pp. 537- 551
47. C. Shobana Sarma and K.Thirusangu (2019): Acyclic Coloring of Middle
graph and Total graph of Extended Duplicate graph of Tadpole (Tn, 1) Graph,
Journal of Applied Science and Computations, Volume VI, Issue I, pp. 527-536
48. C. Shobana Sarma and K.Thirusangu (2019) : Acyclic Coloring of Middle
and Total graph of Extended Duplicate graph of Sunlet( Sn ) Graph, American
International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics, (ICCSPAM − 2019), pp. 92-100
49. K.Srinivasan, K.Thirusangu and P.Elumalai (2019): On Mean Labeling of
Square graphs, Journal of Applied Science and Computations, Volume VI,
Issue I, pp. 552-567
50. K.Srinivasan, P.Elumalai and K.Thirusangu (2019): Root Square Odd and Even
Mean Labeling of Some Graphs, Journal of Applied Science and Computations,
Vol. VI, Issue IV, pp. 263-274
51. S.Sriram and K.Thirusangu (2019): Zumkeller Labeling of Jewel Graph
and Jelly Fish Graph, Journal of Information and Computational Science,
52. S.Sriram and K.Thirusangu (2019): Pell Labeling of joins of Square of Path
Graph, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Vol.9,
Issue.IS3, pp.409-413
53. N.Sujatha, C.Dharuman and K.Thirusangu (2019): Triangular fuzzy antimagic
labeling on some special graphs, International Journal of Advanced Science
and Technology, Vol. 28, No. 16, pp. 1220-1227.
54. N.Sujatha, C.Dharuman and K.Thirusangu (2019): Triangular Fuzzy labeling
on Bistar graph, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced
Technology, Vol.9, Issue-1, pp. 2249 – 8958.
55. N.Sujatha, C.Dharuman and K.Thirusangu (2019): Graceful and Magic
Labeling in Special Fuzzy Graphs, International Journal of Recent Technology
and Engineering, Vol.8, Issue-3, pp. 2277-3878.
56. N.Sujatha and C.Dharuman and K.Thirusangu (2019): Triangular fuzzy
graceful labeling on star graph, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol.1377.
57. K.Thirusangu and R.Ezhilarasi (2019): Adjacent Vertex Distinguishing Total
Coloring of Triangular Snake, American International Journal of Research in
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, (ICCSPAM − 2019), pp.
58. K.Thirusangu and M.Madhu (2019): Divisor Cordial Labeling in Extended
Duplicate Graph of Star, Bistar and Double Star, Journal of Applied Science
and Computations, Volume VI, Issue I, pp. 583-594
59. K.Thirusangu and A.Selvaganapathy (2019): Gaussian Anti Magic Labeling in
Star Related Graphs, Journal of Applied Science and Computations, Vol. VI,
Issue IV, pp. 275-284
60. K.Thirusangu and A. Selvaganapathy (2019): On Anti magic labeling in
Caveman graphs, Journal of Applied Science and Computations, Volume VI,
Issue I, pp. 568-574
61. K.Thirusangu, D.Suresh and K.Balasangu (2019):Product Antimagic Labeling
in Cayley Digraphs,Journal of Applied Science and Computations, Vol. VI,
Issue IV, pp. 223-227
62. K. Thulukkanam and P. Vijaya kumar and K.Thirusangu (2019): Odd
Elegant Labeling in Certain Duplicate graphs, Journal of Applied Science and
Computations, Vol. VI, Issue IV, pp. 258-262
63. P.P.Ulaganathan, K.Thirusangu and D.Suresh (2019): On Extended Duplicate
Graceful Paths,Journal of Applied Science and Computations, Vol. VI, Issue
IV, pp. 211-222
64. R. Vijaya, T. V. Sudharsan , M. Govindaraj and S. Sivasubramanian (2019): New
subclass of analytic functions in conic domains associated with q – Sal˜ agean ˜
differential operator involving complex order, Journal of Computational
Analysis and Applications, Vol 26, No.1, pp.50-57.
65. R. Vijaya, T. V. Sudharsan and S. Sivasubramanian (2019): A coefficient
inequality of m-th root transformation associated with Bazilevic functions, Far ˇ
East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 112, No.1, pp. 97-107 .
66. P.Agasthi, N.Parvathi and K.Thirusangu (2018): On Some Labelings of
Subdivision of Snake Graphs , Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics Vol.
16, No. 1, pp. 245-254
67. S. Bala, D.Suresh and K.Thirusangu (2018): Some graph labeling in the
framework of Triplication, International Journal of Mathematical Archive,
Vol.9, No. 2, pp. 23-28
68. S.Bala, M.Sentamilselvi and K.Thirusangu (2018): α− Graceful Labeling
on Extended Duplicate Graph of Comb Graph, International Journal of
Mathematics Trends and Technology, May, Issue NCCFQET, pp. 98-101
69. S.Bala, M.L. MorslinLifin Lee K.Thirusangu (2018): Fuzzy Graceful Labeling
for the Extended Duplicate Graphs, International Journal of Mathematics
Trends and Technology, May, Issue NCCFQET, pp. 59-63,
70. S.Bala, M.L. MorslinLifin Lee and K.Thirusangu (2018): Some Graph Labeling
on Extended Duplicate Graph of Star, International Journal of Mathematics
Trends and Technology, May, Issue NCCFQET, pp. 64-67,
71. S.Bala and M.Sentamilselvi and K.Thirusangu (2018): Edge Magic Labeling on
Extended Duplicate Graphs, International Journal of Mathematics Trends and
Technology, May, Issue NCCFQET, pp. 91-97
72. S.Bala, S.Gurupriya, (2018): Some Graph Labelings in Triplication,
International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology, Vol.54, No.4,
73. B.J. Balamurugan, K.Thirusangu, D.G. Thomas and B.J. Murali (2018):
k-Zumkeller Labeling of Graphs, International Journal of Engineering and
Technology, Vol.7, Nos.(4-10) pp. 460-463.
74. V.Celin Mary, K.Thirusangu and D.Suresh (2018): Some Graph Labeling on
the Inflation of Certain Classes of Graph, International Journal of Mathematics
Trends and Technology, May, Issue NCCFQET, pp. 125-128
75. V.Celin Mary, K.Thirusangu and D.Suresh (2018): Some Graph Labeling on
the Inflation of Alternate Triangular Snake Graph of Even length, International
Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology, May, Issue NCCFQET, pp.
76. V.Celin Mary, K.Thirusangu and D.Suresh (2018): Some Graph Labeling on
the Inflation of Alternate Triangular Snake Graph of odd length, International
Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology, May, Issue NCCFQET, pp.
77. E. Esakkiammal , B. Deepa and K.Thirusangu (2018): Some Labelings on
Square Graph of Comb , International Journal of Mathematics Trends and
Technology, May, Issue NCCFQET, pp. 27-30
78. E. Esakkiammal, K.Thirusangu and S. Seethalakshmi (2018): D− Lucky
Labeling of Contract H-Super Subdivision of Disjoint Union of Path Graphs,
International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology May, Issue
NCCFQET, pp.31-35
79. R.Ezhilarasi and K.Thirusangu (2018): Adjacent vertex distinguishing total
coloring of tensor product of graphs , American International Journal of
Research in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, 24(1), pp.
80. S.Gurupriya,S.Bala, (2018): Some Graph Labelings on Triplicate Graph,
International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology, 36-40.
81. P. Indira and B.Selvam and K.Thirusangu (2018): Z4 -Bimagic Labeling,
Z3 -magic Labeling and Total Magic Cordial Labeling for the Extended
Duplicate Graph of Quadrilateral Snake, International Journal of Pure and
Applied Mathematics, Vol. 120, No. 8, pp. 159 – 16
82. C. Shobana Sarma and K.Thirusangu (2018): Acyclic and Star Coloring of
Duplicate Graph of Ladder Graph , International Journal of Mathematical
Archive, Vol.9, No. 2, pp. 1-4
83. C. Shobana Sarma and K.Thirusangu (2018): Acyclic Coloring on Extended
Duplicate Graph of Star Graph Families, International Journal of Mathematics
Trends and Technology May, Issue NCCFQET, pp. 109-112,
84. C. Shobana Sarma and K.Thirusangu (2018): Acyclic Coloring of Middle
and Total graph of Extended Duplicate graph of Ladder Graph, International
Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology May, Issue NCCFQET, pp.
85. K.Srinivasan, P.Elumalai and K.Thirusangu (2018):Some Graph Labeling on
Square Graph of Cycle Graphs, International Journal of Mathematics Trends
and Technology, May, Issue NCCFQET , pp. 113-117
86. K.Thirusangu and R.Ezhilarasi (2018): On Adjacent Vertex Distinguishing
Total Coloring of the Family of Ladder Graph, International Journal of
Mathematical Archive, Vol.9, No. 2, pp. 102-108
87. K.Thirusangu and D.Jeevitha (2018): Fuzzy Bimagic and Anti magic Labelling
in Star Graphs, International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology,
May, Issue NCCFQET, pp. 41-43,
88. K.Thirusangu and A.Selvaganapathy (2018): Gaussian Anti magic Labeling in
Some Graphs, International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology
May, Issue NCCFQET, pp. 81-84,
89. K.Thirusangu and A.Selvaganapathy (2018): Gaussian Anti magic Labeling in
Path and Cycle Related Graphs, International Journal of Mathematics Trends
and Technology, May, Issue NCCFQET, pp. 85-90,
90. K.Thirusangu, V.Celin Mary and D.Suresh (2018): Some Graph Labelings on
the Inflation of Ladder Graph, International Journal of Mathematics Trends
and Technology, May Issue, NCCFQET, pp. 140-145,
91. K.Thirusangu, V.Celin Mary and D.Suresh (2018): Some Graph Labelings on
the Inflation of Triangular Snake Graph, International Journal of Mathematics
Trends and Technology, May Issue, NCCFQET, pp. 146-149,
92. K. Thulukkanam and P. Vijaya kumar and K.Thirusangu (2018): V-Cordial
Labeling in Some Duplicate Graphs, International Journal of Mathematics
Trends and Technology May, Issue NCCFQET, pp. 150-155.
93. K. Thulukkanam, P. Vijaya kumar and K.Thirusangu (2018): Skolem difference
mean labeling in duplicate graphs of some path related graphs, South East
Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp.
94. K. Thulukkanam, P. Vijaya kumar and K.Thirusangu (2018): SD – Prime Cordial
Labeling in Duplicate Graphs of Path and Star Related Graphs, International
Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 13 No.23, pp. 16532-16537
95. P.Agasthi, N.Parvathi and K.Thirusangu (2017): New Results on Labelings of
Central Graph of Barbell Graph , Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics,
Vol.14, No.1, pp.11-19
96. P.Agasthi , N.Parvathi and K.Thirusangu (2017): On Some Labelings of
Line graph of Barbell graph , International Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics, Vol. 113, No.10, pp. 148-156
97. K.Anitha, B.Selvam and K.Thirusangu (2017): Some Graceful labeling for the
Extended Duplicate graph of Kite Graph, Global Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics, Vol.13, No.1, pp. 112-115
98. K.M.Baby Smitha and K.Thirusangu (2017): Distance Two Labeling of
Triangular Snake Families, International Journal of Innovative Research in
Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 9, pp.18134-18146.
99. K.M.Baby Smitha and K.Thirusangu (2017): Radio Mean Labeling of Uniform
Theta Graph, Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 96, No.3, pp. 181 –
100. K.M.Baby Smitha and K.Thirusangu (2017): Radio Mean Labeling of
Triangular Snake Families, International Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics, Vol. 113, No. 10, pp. 166 – 174
101. S.Bala, K.Thirusangu and D Suresh (2017): Edge magic labeling in triplication
of graphs, International Journal of Applied Research , Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 20-23.
102. V.Celin Mary, K.Thirusangu and S. Bala (2017): Some Graph Labeling on
Inflated Graph of Triangular Snake and Alternate Triangular Snake Graph,
Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 547-554
103. E.Esakkiammal, K.Thirusangu and S.Seethalakshmi (2017): Lucky Edge
Labeling of Super Subdivision of Star and Wheel Graphs, International Journal
of Pure and Applied Mathematics , Vol. 113, No. 7, pp. 84 – 92
104. E.Esakkiammal, K.Thirusangu and S.Seethalakshmi (2017): d-Lucky Labeling
of Arbitrary Super Subdivision of Some Graphs, International Journal of Pure
and Applied Mathematics , Vol. 113, No. 7, pp. 93 – 101
105. E.Esakkiammal, K.Thirusangu and S.Seethalakshmi (2017): Prime Labeling of
H-Super Subdivision of Cycle and Tedpole Graphs , Global Journal of Pure and
Applied mathematics, Vol.13, No.1, pp. 8-12
106. E.Esakkiammal, K.Thirusangu and S.Seethalakshmi (2017): Lucky Edge
Labeling of Super Subdivision of Planar Grid Graph, Global Journal of Pure
and Applied mathematics, Vol.13, No.1 , pp. 226-228
107. E.Esakkiammal, K.Thirusangu and S.Seethalakshmi (2017): Lucky edge
labeling of H-super subdivision of Graphs, Annals of Pure and Applied
Mathematics, Vol.14, No. 3, pp. 601-610
108. R. Ezhilarasi, T.V. Sudharsan, Maisarah Haji Mohd and K.G. Subramanian
(2017): Connections between Certain Subclasses of Analytic Univalent
Functions Based on Operators, Journal of Complex Analysis, Article ID
6104210, 5 pages .
109. S.Gurupriya and S.Bala (2017): Cordial Labelings in the context of Triplication,
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol.54, No.4,
110. J. Joy Priscilla and K.Thirusangu (2017): EAVL and VAEL of Generalized
Petersen Graphs, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol.
113, No. 9, pp. 176 – 184
111. J. Joy Priscilla and K.Thirusangu (2017): Edge Antimagic Valuations of
Generalized Petersen Graphs, International Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics , Vol. 116, No. 23, pp.15-20
112. J.Joy Priscilla and K.Thirusangu (2017): Vertex Antimagic Valuations in
Communication Networks, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Vol. 9, pp.110-113
113. B.J. Murali, K.Thirusangu and B.J. Balamurugan (2017): Zumkeller Cordial
Labeling of Cycle Related Graphs, International Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics, Vol. 116 , No. 3, pp.617-627
114. B.J. Murali, K.Thirusangu and B.J. Balamurugan (2017): Catalan Labeling of
Graphs, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics , Vol. 117, No.
11, pp. 137-144
115. B.J. Murali, K.Thirusangu and B.J. Balamurugan (2017): Combination Cordial
Labeling of Flower Graphs and Corona Graph, International Journal of Pure
and Applied Mathematics , Vol. 117, No. 11, pp. 45-51
116. B.J. Murali, K.Thirusangu and B.J. Balamurugan (2017): Narayana Prime
Cordial Labeling of Graphs, International Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics , Vol. 117, No. 13, pp. 1-8
117. P. Nedumaran, K.Thirusangu and V. Celin Mary (2017): 1-Near Mean Cordial
and Biconditional Cordial Labeling of Certain Classes of Graphs, International
Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 117, No. 12, pp. 297-307
118. B.Selvam, K.Anitha and K.Thirusangu (2017): Distance −2 Chromatic Number
for the Splitting graph of the Mycielskian graph, International Journal of Pure
and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 113, No.10, pp. 83-91
119. B.Selvam, P. Indira and K.Thirusangu (2017): 3− Equitable and Total 3− sum
cordial labeling for the extended duplicate graph of triangular snake ,
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 113, No. 10, pp.
120. B.Selvam, P.Indira and K.Thirusangu (2017): Product cordial and Prime cordial
labeling for the extended duplicate graph of quadrilateral snake graph, Global
Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 162-165
121. C. Shobana Sarma and K.Thirusangu (2017): Acyclic Coloring of Extended
Duplicate Graph of Cycle Graph Families, International Journal of Pure and
Applied Mathematics, Vol. 113, No.9, pp. 192-200
122. N.Sujatha, C.Dharuman and K.Thirusangu (2017): Triangular Fuzzy Graceful
Labeling in Some Path related graphs, International Journal of Pure and
Applied Mathematics, Vol.114, No.6, pp. 109-117
123. K.Sutha, K.Thirusangu and S.Bala (2017): Magicness in Extended Duplicate
Graphs , International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology , Vol.4,
No. 3, pp. 364 – 371.
124. K.Sutha, K.Thirusangu and S.Bala (2017): Cordial Labelings on Middle Graph
of Extended Duplicate Graph of Path Graph, International Journal of Applied
Research , Vol.3, No. 3, pp. 216 – 219
125. K.Sutha, K.Thirusangu and S.Bala (2017): Some Graceful Labelings on
Extended Duplicate Graph of Comb Graph, International Journal of Advanced
Scientific Research and Development , Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 58 – 69.
126. K.Thirusangu and R.Ezhilarasi (2017): Adjacent Vertex Distinguishing Total
Coloring of Line and Splitting Graph of Some Graphs, Annals of Pure and
Applied Mathematics, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 173-183
127. K.Thirusangu and R.Ezhilarasi (2017): On adjacent vertex distinguishing total
coloring of Line graph of snake graph family, International Journal of Pure and
Applied Mathematics, Vol. 113, No. 6, pp. 261 – 269
128. K.Thirusangu and R.Ezhilarasi (2017): On adjacent vertex distinguishing total
coloring of quadrilateral snake , Journal of Advances in Mathematics, Vol. 13,
No. 01, pp. 7030-7041
129. K.Thirusangu, S. Poornavel and R. Vasuki (2017): Neutrosophic Q-fuzzy left
N-subgroups of a Near-ring, Global Journal of Mathematical Sciences: Theory
and Practical, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 311-321.
130. K.Thirusangu, R. Vasuki and S. Poornavel (2017): Neutrosophic (Q, L)-Fuzzy
Subgroup, International Journal of Mathematical Archive, Vol.8, No. 11, pp.
131. K.Thirusangu, R. Vasuki and S. Poornavel (2017): Neutrosophic Q− Fuzzy
M− Group , International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,
Vol. 117, No. 13, pp. 439-448
132. T. Thulasiram, T.V. Sudharsan and K. Suchithra (2017): On Certain
Subclass of Analytic Functions Associated with Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta Function,
International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 12, No.
3, pp.825–834.
133. S.P.Vijayalakshmi and T.V.Sudharsan (2017): Asia Pacific journal of
Mathematics, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp.32-37.
134. S.P. Vijayalakshmi, T.V.Sudharsan, Daniel Breaz and K.G.Subramanian (2017):
Bounds on the Third Hankel determinant for certain subclasses of Analytic
functions, Analele Univ. “Ovidius” din Constanta, Math. Series, Vol. 25(3), pp.
135. P. Vijaya Kumar,P.P.Ulaganathan and K.Thirusangu (2017): Mean Labeling
in Some Duplicate Graphs, International Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics , Vol. 117, No. 11, pp. 201-210
136. P. Vijaya Kumar,P.P.Ulaganathan and K.Thirusangu (2017): Various
Harmonious Labeling in Some Duplicate Graphs, International Journal of Pure
and Applied Mathematics , Vol. 117, No. 5, pp. 145-161
137. P. Agasthi and N.Parvathi and K.Thirusangu (2016): On some Labelings of
Barbell Graph , Global Journal of Pure and applied Mathematics, Vol. 12, No.
1, pp. 273-230
138. Avudainayaki, B.Selvam and K.Thirusangu (2016): Irregular Coloring of Some
Classes of Graphs, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,
Vol.109, No. 10, pp.119-127
139. K.M.Baby Smitha and K.Thirusangu (2016): Distance Two Labeling of Certain
Snake Graphs, International Mathematical Forum, Vol.11, No.11, pp. 503 – 512
140. K.M.Baby Smitha and K.Thirusangu (2016): Distance Two Labeling of
Quadrilateral Snake Families, International Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 283 – 298
141. K.M.Baby Smitha and K.Thirusangu (2016): Distance Two Labeling of Cycle
Related Graphs, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematical
Sciences, Vol.9, No. 2, pp. 299 – 312
142. K.M.Baby Smitha and K.Thirusangu (2016): Distance Two Labeling of
Quadrilateral Snake Families, International Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics, Vol.9, No.2, pp. 283-29
143. K.M. Baby Smitha and K.Thirusangu (2016): Distance Two Labeling of Cycle
Related Graphs, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol.9,
No.2, pp. 299- 312
144. E. Esakkiammal, K.Thirusangu and S. Bala (2016): Gracefulness of H-Super
Subdivision of Y-Tree, British Journal of Applied Science and Technology ,
Vol.17, No. 5, pp. 1-10
145. B.J.Murali, K.Thirusangu and R.Madura Meenakshi (2016): Zumkeller Cordial
Labeling of Graphs, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer,
Vol.412, pp. 533-541
146. B.Selvam, P.Indira and K.Thirusangu (2016): Total magic cordial labeling and
square sum cordial labeling in extended duplicate graph of triangular snake ,
International Journal of Applied Research, Vol.2, No. 4, pp. 238-242
147. B.Selvam, P.Indira and K.Thirusangu (2016): Cordial labeling in Extended
Duplicate graph of Triangular snake , International Journal of Advanced
Scientific Research and Development, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 199-203.
148. B.Selvam, K.Anitha and K.Thirusangu (2016): Prime Cordial and Signed
Product Cordial labeling for the Extended Duplicate of kite graph,
International Journal of Mathematical Archive , Vol.7, No-11, pp. 32-37
149. B.Selvam, K.Anitha and K.Thirusangu (2016): Cordial and Product Cordial
labeling for the Extended Duplicate of kite graph, International Journal of
Mathematics and its Application, Vol. 4, No.3B, pp. 61-68
150. C. Shobana Sarma and K.Thirusangu (2016): Star coloring of extended
duplicate graph of path graph families, International Journal of Pure and
Applied Mathematics, Vol. 109, No.7, pp. 43-50
151. K.Sutha, K.Thirusangu and S.Bala (2016): Cordial and Mean Labelings on
Extended Duplicate Graph of Comb Graph, British Journal of Applied Science
and Technology , Vol.18, No. 2, pp. 1- 13
152. K.Sutha, K.Thirusangu and S.Bala (2016): Some E-Cordial Labelings on
Extended Duplicate Graph of Comb Graph, British Journal of Mathematics and
Computer Science , Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 1- 15
153. K.Thirusangu, P.P.Ulaganathan and P. Vijaya Kumar (2016): Odd and even
graceful labeling in duplicate graph of ladder graph and in extended duplicate
graph of star graph, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research,
Vol. 11, No.1, pp. 589-593
154. T. Thulasiram, T.V. Sudharsan and K. Suchithra (2016): Inclusion Relation for
a Certain Subclass of Starlike and Convex Functions of Complex order based
on Dziok-Raina operator”, Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal, Vol. 5,
No.2, pp.131-142.
155. S.P. Vijayalakshmi and T.V.Sudharsan (2016): Upper Bound of Second Hankel
Determinant for a class of a generalized Sakaguchi class of Analytic functions,
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol.109, No. 6,
156. R. Vijaya, T.V. Sudharsan and S.Sivasubramanian (2016): Coefficient Estimates
for Certain Subclasses of Biunivalent Functions Defined by Convolution,
International Journal of Analysis, Article ID 6958098, 5 pages.
157. K. Vijaya Kumar, P. P. Ulaganathan and K.Thirusangu (2016): Various Cordial
Labeling in Duplicate Graphs of Some Graph, Global Journal of Pure and
Applied Mathematics, Vol. 12, No. 2 , pp. 280-286
158. R. Arundhadhi and K.Thirusangu (2015): Acyclic coloring of central and total
graph of Path Pn and Fan graph Fm,n , Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics
and Combinatorial Computing, Vol 92, pp. 223-231
159. R. Arundhadhi and K.Thirusangu (2015): Star coloring of middle, total and
Line Graph of Flower Graph, International Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics, Vol.101, No.5, pp. 691-699
160. K.M.Baby Smitha and K.Thirusangu (2015): Distance Two Labeling of Some
Special Graphs, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol.
10, No.24, pp.45631-45636
161. B.J.Balamurugan, K.Thirusangu and D.G.Thomas (2015): Zumkeller labeling
algorithms for complete bipartite graphs and wheel graphs, Advances in
Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Vol. 324, pp. 405-413
162. B.J.Balamurugan, K.Thirusangu and D.G.Thomas (2015): Algorithms for
Zumkeller labeling of full binary trees and square grids, Advances in
Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Vol.325, pp. 183-192
163. B.J.Balamurugan, K.Thirusangu and D.G.Thomas (2015): k-Zumkeller labeling
for Twig graphs, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Elsevier, Vol. 48,
pp. 119-126
164. V.Celin Mary, K.Thirusangu and S.Bala (2015): Some Graph Labeling on
Inflated Graph of Extended Duplicate Graph of a Path, International Journal
of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 10, No.80, pp. 192-195
165. V.Celin Mary, K.Thirusangu and S.Bala (2015): Labeling on Generalized
Jahangir Graph and Extended Duplicate Graph of Jahangir Graph, Jamal
Academic Research Journal, An Interdisciplinary, (ICMMC), pp. 530 – 536
166. C.Elango and D.Nithya, (2015): A Single Period Inventory System with Service
Facility Having Fuzzy Demand and Service Time”,. International Journal of
Fuzzy Mathematical Archive, Vol.7, No.2, pp.121-127.
167. J. Joy Priscilla and K.Thirusangu (2015): Vertex anti magic Total labeling of
r- copies of generalized Petersen graphs , International Journal of Applied
Engineering Research, Vol. 10, No.80, pp. 229-232
168. K. Manimekalai and K.Thirusangu (2015): Antimagic, Super Edge-magic and
Edge-Bimagic Labelings of Some Special Graphs, International Journal of Pure
and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 101, No. 6, pp. 1041-1050
169. B.J.Murali, K.Thirusangu and R. Madura Meenakshi (2015): Bi conditional
Cordial Labeling of Cycles, International Journal of Applied Engineering
Research, Vol.10, No. 80, pp. 188-191
170. V. Sharon Philomena and K.Thirusangu (2015): V- Cordial labeling on key
graph and fish bone graph, International Journal of Applied Engineering
Research, Vol. 10, No. 80, pp. 118 – 122
171. V. Sharon Philomena and K.Thirusangu (2015): On 3- Total product cordial
labeling and Pell labeling on special Trees, International Journal of Pure and
Applied Mathematics, Vol. 101, No.5, pp. 747 -752
172. B.Selvam and K.Thirusangu (2015): Mean Labeling in Extended Duplicate
Graph of Twig, Indian Journal of Science and Technology , Vol. 8, No. 36,
pp. 1-3
173. C. Shobana Sarma and K.Thirusangu (2015): Acyclic coloring of extended
duplicate graph of path graph families, International Journal of Applied
Engineering Research, Vol. 10, No. 72, pp.72-87
174. K.Sutha , K.Thirusangu and S.Bala, (2015): Some Cordial Labelings on Middle
Graph of Extended Duplicate Graph of a Path, International Journal of Applied
Engineering Research , Vol.10, No. 80, pp. 197 – 201
175. K.Thirusangu and P.Elumalai and K.Balasangu (2015): On The Health Hazards
of The Rag Pickers Using a New Modified Induced Fuzzy Relational Maps
Model, Journal of Scientific Research in Physical and Mathematical Science ,
Vol.2, No.1, pp. 1-13.
176. K.Thirusangu and P.Nedumaran (2015): On 0- Edge labelings in certain graphs,
International Journal of Applied Research, Vol 1, No: 12, pp. 874-877.
177. K.Thirusangu and P.Nedumaran (2015): On n-edge Magic Labeling in Certain
Classes of Graphs, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol
10, No 80, pp. 144-148
178. K.Thirusangu, P.Nedumaran and A.Solairaju (2015): Edge Odd Gracefulness of
Few Fan Graph Merging a Finite Number of Circuits and a Star, International
Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 122, No.9, pp. 19- 21
179. S.P. Vijayalakshmi and T.V.Sudharsan (2015): Second Hankel Determinant
for Generalised Sakaguchi type functions,Theory and Applications of
Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol.5, No.1, pp. 94-100.
180. P. Vijaya Kumar, P.P.Ulaganathan and K.Thirusangu (2015): 3-Equitable and
3-Cordial labeling in duplicate graph of some graphs, International Journal of
Mathematical Archive, Vol.6, No. 12 , pp. 75-89
181. P. Vijaya Kumar, P.P.Ulaganathan and K.Thirusangu (2015): Product cordial
and E – cordial labeling of duplicate graph of ladder graph, International
Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol.10, No.70, pp. 198 – 205
182. P. Vijaya Kumar, P.P.Ulaganathan and K.Thirusangu (2015): Some Cordial
Labeling in Extended Duplicate Graph of Star Graph, International Journal of
Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 10, No.80, pp. 171 – 174
183. V.Celin Mary, K.Thirusangu and S.Bala (2014): Labeling on Jahangir Graph and
Extended Duplicate Graph of Jahangir Graph, Annals of Pure And Applied
Mathematics Vol 8, No. 2, pp. 143-151
184. P.Elumalai, K.Thirusangu and K.Balasangu (2014): Analysis of Health
Problems Faced by Rag Pickers Using Induced Fuzzy Associative Memory
Models, International Journal of Mathematical Archive , Vol.5, No. 12, pp. 1-6
185. E.Esakkiammal, K.Thirusangu and S.Bala (2014): Conflict-Free Coloring of
Extended Duplicate Graph of Twig, Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics,
Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 153-159
186. R. Ezhilarasi, T.V. Sudharsan and K.G. Subramanian (2014): A Class of
Harmonic Multivalent Function Defined by an Integral Operator, Gen. Math.
Notes, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp.17-30.
187. R. Ezhilarasi and T.V. Sudharsan (2014): A Subclass of Harmonic Univalent
Functions Defined by an Integral Operator , Asia Pacific Journal of
Mathematics, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 225-236.
188. R. Ezhilarasi, T.V. Sudharsan and K.G. Subramanian (2014): Harmonic
Univalent Functions Based on a Fractional Differential Operator, Journal of
Fractional Calculus and Applications, Vol.5, No.1, pp. 105-113.
189. J.Joy Priscilla and K.Thirusangu (2014): Antimagic Total Labeling of r-Copies
of Harary Graphs, Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp.
190. A. R. S.Juma,S.P.Vijayalakshmi and T.V.Sudharsan, (2014): Coefficient
Estimates for some Subclasses of Bi-univalent Functions based on Ruscheweyh
Derivative, Analele Universitatii Oradea Fasc. Matematica, Tom XXI (2014),
Issue No.2, pp.163-168.
191. Mugur Acu, R. Ezhilarasi, T.V. Sudharsan and K.G. Subramanian, (2014): A
New Subclass of Harmonic Univalent Functions of Complex Order based on
Convolution, Advances in Applied Mathematical Analysis, Vol.9, No.1, pp.
192. V.Sharon Philomena and K.Thirusangu (2014): Square and Cube Difference
Labeling of Cycle Catus, Special Tree and a New Key Graphs, Annals of Pure
and Applied Mathematics Vol 8, No.2, pp. 115 – 122
193. V.Sharon Philomena and K.Thirusangu (2014): Some Variations of Cordial
Labeling, Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal, Vol. 3, pp.
848 – 854
194. V. Sharon Philomena and K.Thirusangu (2014): Some New Classes of 3 – Total
Product Cordial Graphs , International Journal of Computing Algorithm, Vol.3,
pp. 647 – 650.
195. T.V. Sudharsan, S.P. Vijayalakshmi and B. Adolf Stephen (2014): Third
Hankel Determinant for a subclass of Analytic Univalent functions, Malaya
J. Mathematics, Vol. 2, No.4, pp.438 – 444.
196. T. V. Sudharsan and R. Vijaya (2014): On Second Hankel Determinant For
Two New Subclasses of Analytic Functions, Surveys in Mathematics and its
Applications, Vol.9, pp. 131 – 138.
197. T.V. Sudharsan, T. Thulasiram, K. Suchitra and Muhammet Kamali (2014):
Inclusion relations for a certain subclass of analytic functions based on the
Dziok-Raina operator , Journal of Fractional Calculus and Applications, Vol.
5, No.2, pp. 145-154.
198. K.Sutha, K.Thirusangu and S.Bala (2014): Some Graph Labelings on Middle
Graph of Extended Duplicate Graph of a Path, Annals of Pure and Applied
Mathematics, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 169 -174
199. K.Thirusangu and K.S.Bharathan (2014): A New Induced Bidirectional
Associative Fuzzy Cognitive Dynamical System, Journal of Asian Scientific
Research, Vol.4. No. 1, pp. 27-38.
200. K.Thirusangu, P.P.Ulaganathan and P. Vijaya Kumar (2014): Some Cordial
Labeling of Duplicate Graph of Ladder Graph, Annals of Pure and Applied
Mathematics, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 43-50
201. T. Thulasiram, K. Suchithra, T. V. Sudharsan and G.Murugusundaramoorthy
(2014): Some Inclusion results associated with certain subclass of analytic
functions involving Hohlov Operator, Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fisicas.
Nat. Ser. A Math. RACSAM 108 (2014), No. 2, pp.711–720.
202. T. Thulasiram, T.V. Sudharsan , K. Suchithra and M.K.Aouf, (2014): On Certain
Subclass of Analytic Functions involving Generalized Derivative Operator,
Global Journal of Science Frontier Research:F Mathematics and Decision
Sciences,Vol.14, No.5, Version 1, pp.61-73.
203. P. Usha, Beulah Immanuel and K.Thirusangu (2014): Tree-Token Petri Nets and
Derivation Trees, Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp.
204. R.Vijaya and T.V. Sudharsan (2014): On a New Subclass of Univalent Functions
defined by Rafid-Operator, Asia Pacific Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 1, No. 1,
205. R. Vijaya, T.V. Sudharsan and G. Murugusundaramoorthy, (2014): A Class of
Analytic Functions based on an extension of generalised Salagean operator,
Engineering Mathematics Letters, Vol. (2014), Article ID 16, pp 1-13.
206. R. Arundhadhi and K.Thirusangu (2013): Acyclic coloring of middle and total
Graph of Flower Graph Families, Indian Journal of Science and Technology,
Vol 6, No.2S3, pp.27-30
207. R. Arundhadhi and K.Thirusangu (2013): Acyclic Coloring of central Graph of
Gear Graph Families, International Journal of Computing Algorithm , Vol.2,
No.1, pp.75-77
208. R. Arundhadhi and K.Thirusangu (2013): Acyclic coloring of Helm Graph
Families, Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol 3, No.3, pp.271-275.
209. E.Bala and K.Thirusangu (2013): On E-cordial labelings of Competition
Graphs, International Journal of Computing Algorithm, pp.243-247.
210. V.Celin Mary, K.Thirusangu and E.Bala (2013): Domination Number for
EDG(Pn), Indian Journal of Science and Technology , Vol 6, No. 2S3, pp. 31-32
211. R. Ezhilarasi, T.V. Sudharsan, K.G. Subramanian and D. Breaz (2013): On a
New Subclass of Meromorphic Harmonic Functions with fixed residue α , Acta
Universitatis Apulensis, No. 36, pp. 267-277.
212. R.Ezhilarasi and T.V.Sudharsan (2013): A Subclass of Harmonic Functions
Associated with a Convolution Structure , Annals of Pure and Applied
Mathematics, Vol. 4, No.2, pp.182-191.
213. R. Ezhilarasi, T.V. Sudharsan and K.G. Subramanian (2013): Certain Class of
Harmonic Univalent Functions Defined by Convolution, International Journal
of Math. Sci. and Engg. Appls. (IJMSEA), Vol. 7, No. VI, pp. 111-12
214. J.Jayapriya and K.Thirusangu (2013): Odd and Even Ratio Edge Antimagic
Labeling, Journal of Advances in Mathematics, Vol.3, No.2, pp.180-183
215. Jayapriya and K.Thirusangu (2013): Max-Min edge magic and anti magic
labeling, European Scientific Journal, ESJ, Vol.9, No. 21.
216. J.Jayapriya and K.Thirusangu (2013): Ratio edge antimagic labeling for
subdivision graphs, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol.7, No. 117.
217. J. Jeba Jesintha, V. Sharon Philomena, K.Thirusangu and B. Pavithra (2013):
Edge Balance Index Sets of Helm, International Journal of Computing
Algorithm , Vol. 2, pp. 219 -223
218. K.Kavitha and K.Thirusangu (2013): Group Magic Labeling of generalized
closed helm International Journal of Mathematical Archive, Vol 4, No.10, pp.
219. K.Kavitha and K.Thirusangu (2013): Group Magic Labeling of Flower Related
Graphs, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.6, No. 2S3, pp.70-75
220. K.Kavitha and K.Thirusangu (2013): Application of vertex and Group Magic
labeling, International Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Vol. 25,
No. 2A, pp. 307-314.
221. K.Kavitha and K.Thirusangu (2013): Group Magic Labeling of Cycles with
a common vertex, International Journal of Computing Algorithm, Integrated
Intelligent Research, Vol 2, No.10, pp. 239-242
222. K. Manimekalai and K.Thirusangu (2013): Pair Sum Labeling of Some Special
Graphs, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 69, No. 8, pp.
223. K. Manimekalai and K.Thirusangu (2013): On Super Edge Bimagic Total
Labeling of Pm × Cn and its Related Graphs, International Journal of
Mathematical Archive, Vol. 4, No. 7, pp. 257-265
224. R.Thirumalaisamy,T.V.Sudharsan and S.Sivasubramanian (2013):
New Subclasses of Meromorphic Functions with Varying Argument of
Coefficients defined by the Hadamard Product, Far East Journal of
Mathematics,Vol.72,No.1, pp.93-108
225. T. Thulasiram, T.V. Sudharsan and K. Suchithra (2013): Some Properties
Associated with an Integral Operator for a Class of Multivalent Functions,
Journal of Global Research in Mathematical Archives, Vol.1, No.9, pp.34-42.
226. S.P. Vijayalakshmi, T.V. Sudharsan, B. Adolf Stephen and M. Acu (2013): On a
Certain Subclasses of Analytic Functions Based on Al-Oboudi Operator, Acta
Universitatis Apulensis, No. 34, pp. 273-284.
227. R. Arundhadhi and K.Thirusangu (2012): Star coloring of Helm Graph Families
International Journal of Mathematical Archive, Vol.3, No.10, pp.2229-5046
228. B.J. Balamurugan, K.Thirusangu and D.G. Thomas (2012): Marked Petri net for
water cycle, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 50, pp. 165-173
229. R. Ezhilarasi, K.G. Subramanian and T.V. Sudharsan (2012): A Class of
Harmonic Meromorphic Functions of Complex Order, Bonfring International
Journal of Data Mining,Vol.2,No.2, pp.22-26.
230. R. Ezhilarasi, T.V. Sudharsan, K.G. Subramanian and S.B. Joshi (2012): A
subclass of Harmonic Univalent Functions with Positive Coefficients defined
by Dziok-Srivastava Operator, General Mathematics, Vol. 20, No. 2-3,
231. J.Jayapriya and K.Thirusangu (2012): 0-EdgeMagic Labeling for Some Class of
Graphs, Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, No.3, pp.
232. J.Jayapriya, K.Thirusangu, D.Muruganandam, Susil Lal Das (2012): Analyzing
Welding Process using Graph Labeling Techniques, European Journal of
Scientific Research, Vol.78, No.4, pp. 534-538
233. J.Jayapriya and K.Thirusangu(2012): Magic labeling for Dihedral Group
(D2n(a, b)), International Journal of Computer Engineering Technology, Vol.3,
No.1, pp. 17 – 22
234. K.Kavitha and K.Thirusangu (2012): Group Magic Labeling of Multiple Cycles,
International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol.59, No.12, pp. 17-21
235. K. Manimekalai, J. Baskar Babujee and K.Thirusangu (2012): Simply
Sequentially Additive Labeling of Some Special Trees, Applied Mathematical
Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 131 , pp. 6501- 6514.
236. K. Manimekalai, J. Baskar Babujee and K.Thirusangu (2012): Pair Sum Labeling
of Star and Cycle Related Graphs, Journal of Statistics Science, Vol. 4, No. 2,
pp. 121-129.
237. K. Manimekalai, J. Baskar Babujee and K.Thirusangu (2012): Sequentially
Additive Labeling for Special Graphs, European Journal of Scientific Research,
EJSR, Vol.82, No.4, pp. 485-498
238. T.V. Sudharsan and R. Vijaya (2012): On Certain Subclasses of Analytic and
Univalent Functions based on an Extension of Salagean Operator, Bonfring
International Journal of Data Mining, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 1-6.
239. T.V. Sudharsan and S.P.Vijayalakshmi (2012): On Certain Classes of Analytic
and Univalent Functions based on Al-Oboudi Operator, Bonfring International
Journal of Data Mining, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 6-12.
240. R. Thirumalaisamy,T.V.Sudharsan, K.G.Subramania and S.M.Khairnar (2012):
On Certain Subclass of Analytic and Univalent Functions Based on
Ruscheweyh Derivatives and Hadamard Product, International Journal of
Math. Sci. and Engg. Appls. (IJMSEA) Vol. 6 , No. V, pp. 11-21.
241. K.Thirusangu, D. Gnanaraj Thomas and B.J. Balamurugan (2012): Group
associated Petri nets in biocomputing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Springer, Vol. 7154, pp. 270-271
242. K.Thirusangu, P. Elumalai and A. Praveenprakash (2012): A new bidirectional
associative fuzzy cognitive dynamical system, Indian Journal of Science and
Technology , Vol. 5, No. 3, pp.2333-2340
243. K.Thirusangu, E.Bala and K.Balasangu (2012): Product antimagic labeling in
Cayley digraphs of 2-generated 2-groups, Journal of Applied Mathematics and
Informatics , Vol. 30, No. 1-2, pp. 49-56
244. E. Bala and K.Thirusangu (2011): Some Graph labelings in Competition graph
of Cayley digraphs , International Journal of Combinatorial Graph Theory and
Applications , Vol.4, No.2, pp. 117-132
245. E. Bala and K.Thirusangu (2011): E-cordial and Z3 – magic labelings in
Extended Triplicate graph of a path, General Mathematical Notes, A monthly
International Journal, Vol. 5, No.2,
246. E. Bala and K.Thirusangu (2011): Some graph labelings in Extended Triplicate
graph of a path, International Review of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 1,
No. 1, pp. 81-92
247. E. Bala and K.Thirusangu (2011): Magic and antimagic labelings in Cayley
digraphs of 2-generated p-groups, International Journal of Mathematics
Research, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 221-229
248. E.Bala and K.Thirusangu (2011): On bi-magic Labeling of 4-regular graphs ,
Indian Journal of Science and Technology , Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 414 – 416
249. E.Bala and K.Thirusangu (2011): Graph labelings in competition graphs, Indian
Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.4, No.8, pp. 938-943
250. K.Balasangu, K.Thirusangu and V.R. Dare (2011): IFAM model approach on
the impact of pesticides on agricultural labourers, Indian Journal of Science
and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 151-154
251. K.Balasangu, K.Thirusangu and V.R. Dare (2011): A Fuzzy bimodel approach
on the exposures to the health hazards of agriculture labourers, Indian Journal
of Science and Technology, Vol.4, No.9, pp. 1074-1080
252. J.Jayapriya and K.Thirusangu (2011): Antimagic and Magic Labeling for
Cayley Digraphs of Symmetric Group Sn , CiiT International Journal of
Automation and Autonomous System, Vol.3, No. 3, pp. 172-176
253. B.Selvam, K.Thirusangu and P.P.Ulaganathan (2011): Odd and Even Graceful
Labelings in Extended Duplicate Twig Graphs, International Journal of
Applied Engineering Research , Vol 6, No. 8 , pp. 1075-1085
254. B.Selvam, K.Thirusangu and P.P.Ulaganathan (2011): (a,d)-Antimagic
Labelings in Extended Duplicate Twig Graphs, Indian Journal of Science and
Technology , Vol. 4, No. 2 , pp. 112-115
255. B.Selvam, K.Thirusangu and P.P.Ulaganathan (2011): Felicitious labeling
in Extended Duplicate Graph of Twig Tm , Indian Journal of Science and
Technology , Vol. 4, No. 5, pp.586-589
256. B.Selvam, K.Thirusangu and P.P.Ulaganathan (2011): Graceful and Skolem
graceful labelings in extended duplicate twig graphs, International Journal of
Combinatorial Graph Theory and Applications, Vol 4, No.2, pp. 141-149
257. K.Thirusangu, Atulya K. Nagar and R.Rajeswari (2011): Labelings in Cayley
digraphs, European Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 32, No.1, pp. 133 -139
258. P.P.Ulaganathan, K.Thirusangu and B.Selvam (2011): Edge-magic total labeling
in Extended Duplicate graph of Path, International Journal of Applied
Engineering Research, Vol. 6, No. 10, pp. 1211-1217
259. P.P.Ulaganathan, K.Thirusangu and B.Selvam (2011): Graceful and Skolem
graceful Labeling in Extended Duplicate Graph of Path, Indian Journal of
Science and Technology , Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 107-111
260. P.P.Ulaganathan, K.Thirusangu and B.Selvam (2011): Super edge-magic total
labeling in Extended Duplicate Graph of path, Indian Journal of Science and
Technology , Vol. 4, No. 5, pp.590-592
261. R.Arumugham, K.Thirusangu and D.G.Thomas (2010): A New method for
generation of Three dimensional cubes, CompIMAGE 2010, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science , Vol. 6026, pp. 119-129
262. K.G.Subramanian,T.V.Sudharsan,N.Seenivasagan and A.O.Badgaish (2010): A
class of Harmonic Univalent Functions, International Journal Computing and
Mathemaical Applications, Vol.4, No.1, pp. 11-16.
263. K.G.Subramanian,T.V.Sudharsan,R.Thirumalaisamy and H.Silverman (2010):
A Class of analytic functions based on convolution, Surveys in Mathematics
and Applications, Vol.5, pp. 285-295.
264. T.V.Sudharsan,R.Thirumalaisamy,S.Sivasubramanian and K.G.Subramanian
(2010): A New Class of Analytic functions based on Ruscheweyh derivative,
Journal of Mathematics and Applications, Vol. 33, pp. 103-115.
265. T.V.Sudharsan,R.Thirumalaisamy, K.G.Subramanian and Mugur Acu (2010): A
Class of Analytic Functions Based On An Extension of AL-Oboudi Operator,
Acta Universitatis Apulensis, No.21, pp.79 – 88.
266. T.V.Sudharsan,R.Ezhilarasi, B.Adolf Stephen and K.G.Subramanian (2010): A
New Class of Salagean Type of Harmonic Univalent Functions, Chamchuri
Journal of Mathematics, Vol.2,No.1, pp.81-92.
267. K.Thirusangu, B.Selvam and P.P.Ulaganathan (2010): Cordial Labeling
in Extended Duplicate Twig Graphs, International Journal of Computer,
Mathematical Sciences and Applications , Vol.4, No.3 -4, pp. 319-328
268. K.Thirusangu, P.P.Ulaganathan and B.Selvam (2010): Cordial Labeling in
Duplicate Graphs, International Journal of Computer, Mathematical Sciences
and Applications, Vol. 4 , Nos.1-2, pp. 179-186
269. T.V.Sudharsan,R.Thirumalaisamy, K.G.Subramanian and B.Adolf Stephen
(2009): A class of analytic functions based on Ruscheweyh derivative,
International Journal of Math.Sci. and Engg.Appls,Vol.3.No.II, pp. 103-108
270. K.Thirusangu, K.Balasangu and V.R. Dare (2009): On the Health Hazards of
the Rice Cultivators Using IFRM Model , International Journal of Analyzing
Methods of Components and Combinatorial Biology in Mathematics, Vol.1,
No.1, pp. 1-10
271. K.Thirusangu, K.Balasangu and V.R. Dare (2009): A Neural Network Model
Approach on the Health Hazards of Agriculture Farmers, International
Journal of Analyzing Methods of Components and Combinatorial Biology in
Mathematics, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 11-18
272. K.Thirusangu, J. Baskar Babujee and R.Rajeswari (2009): Super Vertex (a, d) –
antimagic labeling for Cayley Digraphs, International Journal of Mathematics
and its Applications , Vol.2, Nos.1-2, pp. 11-16
273. K.Thirusangu, R.Rajeswari and K.Balasangu (2009): On Petri Nets in Polly
Cracker Public Key Cryptosystems , International Journal of Combinatorial
Graph Theory and Applications , Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 49-56
274. K.Thirusangu, R.Rajeswari and K.Balasangu (2009): Polly Cracker Public
Key Cryptosystems On two subclasses of Petri nets, International Journal of
Combinatorial Graph Theory and Applications , Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 95-104
275. W.B.Vasantha, A. Praveen Prakash and K.Thirusangu (2009) Study of the
problems of Persons with Disability (PWD) using FRMs, International Journal
of Mathematical Combinatorics, Vol.1, pp. 01-08
276. R.Rajeswari and K.Thirusangu (2008) : Algebraic Conservative Petri Nets
Based on Symmetric Groups, International Journal on Information Sciences
and Computing, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 80-85
277. R.Rajeswari and K.Thirusangu (2008): Marked Graphs and Symmetric Groups,
International Journal of Computer, Mathematical Sciences and Applications,
Vol.2, No.3, pp. 197-202
278. T.V.Sudharsan, K.G.Subramanian, B.Adolf Stephen and J.M.Jahangiri (2008): A
note on Salagean – type harmonic univalent functions, General Mathematics,
Vol.16,No.3, pp.31 – 41.
279. K.Thirusangu and R.Rajeswari (2008): Bounded Conflict Free Petri Nets
Relative to (Zn, A), International Journal of Combinatorial Graph Theory and
Applications, Vol.1 , No.2, pp. 99 – 108
280. K.Thirusangu, R.Rajeswari and K.Balasangu (2008): On the Construction
of Polly Cracker Public Key Cryptosystems based on Marked Graphs,
International Journal of Combinatorial Graph Theory and Applications, Vol.1,
No.2, pp. 125-132
281. K.Thirusangu, K.Balasangu and V.R. Dare (2008): A Petri Net Approach on
Tree Automata, International Journal of Computer, Mathematical Sciences and
Applications , Vol.2, No.4, pp. 341-348
282. K.Thirusangu, K.Balasangu and V.R.Dare (2008): On the causes of health
hazards faced by the agriculture labourers using IBAM model, International
Journal of Analyzing Methods of Components and Combinatorial Biology in
Mathematics, Vol.1, No.2, pp. 145-153
283. K.Thirusangu, R.Rajeswari and K.Balasangu (2008): Conservative Petri Nets
and Chip Firing Games in Graphs, International Journal of Analyzing Methods
of Components and Combinatorial Biology in Mathematics, Vol.1, No.2, pp.
145-153 ,
284. K.Thirusangu , R.Rajeswari and K.Balasangu (2008): Dihedral Groups and
Marked Graphs, Global Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mathematical
Sciences, Vol.1, No.2, pp. 95 – 102
285. R.Arumugham , K.Thirusangu and K. Balasangu (2007) : Prefix Closed Regular
Picture Languages and Petri nets, Acta Ciencia Indica , Vol. XXXIII, pp. 25-29
286. T.Pathinathan, K.Thirusangu and Mary Jhon (2007) School dropouts : breeding
ground for exploited child labourers – A Mathematical approach, Far East
Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 25, No.1, pp. 25-36
287. R.Arumugham, K.Thirusangu, D.G.Thamos and N.G.David (2006)
: Reachability graphs of Petri nets and graph grammars, Far East Journal of
Mathematical Sciences, Vol.23, No.2, pp. 193-200
288. K.Thirusangu, T.Pathinathan, and Mary Jhon (2006): A Mathematical
Approach to Issues which Increase Dropouts in School Education, Ind. Journal
of Millennium Development studies- An International Journal, Vol.1, No.2, pp.
289. K.Thirusangu, T.Pathinathan, and Mary Jhon (2005): On School dropouts of
School Children – A Fuzzy Approach, Acta Ciencia Indica , Vol. XXXI M, No.4,
pp. 1279 – 1299.
290. T.V.Sudharsan, K.G.Subramanian and H.Silverman
(2003): On uniformly close-to-convex functions and uniformly quasi convex
functions, Internat.J.Math and Math.Sci. Vol. No.48, pp. 3053 -58.
291. K.Thirusangu, D. Ranganayakulu and K.Rangarajan (2001): Marked Graphs
and p-Groups, Acta Ciencia Indica, Vol. XXVII, pp. 321- 328
292. T.V.Sudharsan, P.Balasubramaniam and K.G.Subramanian (1999): “ On two
generalized classes of analytic functions with negative coefficients, Soochow
.J. Math. Vol. 25, No.1, pp.11 – 17.
293. T.V.Sudharsan , P.Balasubramaniam and K.G.Subramanian 1998: On functions
starlike with respect to symmetric and conjugate points, Taiwanese J.Math.
Vol.2, No. 1, pp.57 -68.
294. T.V.Sudharsan, P.Balasubramaniam , K.G.Subramanian and H.Silverman 1998:
Classes of uniformly starlike functions, Publications. Math.Debrecen, Vol.53,
Nos.3-4, pp.309-315.
295. T.V.Sudharsan and K.G.Subramanian 1998: A note on radii problems of
analytic functions, Vol.24 M, Acta Ciencia Indica.
296. K.Thirusangu and K.Rangarajan (1997): Marked Graphs and Euler Graphs,
Microelectronics Reliability, Vol.37, No.2, pp. 225-235
297. K.Thirusangu and K.Rangarajan (1997): Marked Graphs and Hamiltonian
Graphs, Microelectronics Reliability Vol.37, No.8, pp. 1243-1250
298. K.Thirusangu and K.Rangarajan (1996): The construction of augmented
marked graphs, IETE Journal of Research, Vol.42, No.3, pp. 149-154
299. K.Thirusangu and K.Rangarajan (1995): A Note on the construction of marked
graphs, Information Processing Letters, Vol.55, No.3, pp.211-215
300. T.V.Sudharsan, P.Balasubramaniam and K.G.Subramanian 1993: On the radius
of starlikeness of certain classes of analytic functions, J.Math.Phy.Sci.Vol. 27.
No.2, pp.369 –382.
301. T.V.Sudharsan, P.Balasubramaniam and K.G.Subramanian 1991: On a subclass
of close – to- star functions, J.Math.Phy.Sci.Vol. 25. No.4, pp.343 – 350.
Full Journals list of maths department
1. S. Anitha Raj and D. Mohan (2020): Removal of NOM using Ternary
Ultrafiltration blend membranes, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research,
2. R. Kalaivizhi, S. Anitha Raj and D. Mohan (2020): Separation of proteins
and toxic heavy metal ions from aqueous solution by CA / APES blends
ultafiltration membranes, Journal of Scientific Research.
3. Edward Jeyakumar, S. Chidambara Vinayagam, J. Senthil Murugan and
P.S. Syed Ibrahim (2020): Excess Properties & Theoretical Assessment of
Ultrasonic Studies of Ternary Liquid mixtures of 2-bromoanisole + 1-Butanol +
n-Hexane at Different Temerpatures, Journal of Advanced Scientific Research,
11 (1), pp.120-131
4. Edward Jeyakumar, S. Chidambara Vinayagam, J. Senthil Murugan and P.S.
Syed Ibrahim (2020): Ultrasonic Studies on Molecular Interaction and their
excess properties of Ternary Liquid Mixtures of 2-Bromoanisole and 1-Pentanol
in n-Hexane at Different Temperatures 303, 308 and 313K at Fixed frequency at
2MHZ, Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment Vol.24(4), pp.92,99.
5. Edward Jeyakumar, S. Chidambara Vinayagam, J. Senthil Murugan and P.S.
Syed Ibrahim (2020): An Ultrasonic Study on Accoustical and Excess Properties
of Ternary Liquid Mixtures of 2-Bromoanisole + 1-Butanol + n-Hexane at
Different Temperatures 303K, 308K and 313K and a Frequency 2MHz, Journal
of Chemical Society of Pakistan, Volume 42, No.06, pp.798-806
6. Edward Jeyakumar, S. Chidambara Vinayagam, J. Senthil Murugan and P.S.
Syed Ibrahim (2020): Ultrasonic studies on ternary liquid mixtures of some
1-alkanols with meta methoxy phenol and n-hexane at 313K, Journal of
Molecular Liquids Vol. 304, pp. 01- 10.
7. Edward Jeyakumar, S. Chidambara Vinayagam, J. Senthil Murugan and P.S.
Syed Ibrahim (2020): Ultrasonic Investigation of Liquid – Liquids Interactions
in 2-Nitroanisole, 1-Pentanol in n-Hexane at Various Temperatures, Science
Direct Materials Today: Proceedings 24 , pp. 2123 – 2136.
8. Palaniappan Selvakumar and Muthusamy Sarojadevi (2020): Effect of
molecular weight on thermal behavior and processability of oligomeric
phthalonitrile resins, International journal on mathematic, engineering and
natural sciences, No.4, Vol.15, pp 748.
9. K. Parthipan (2020): Molecular structural elucidation and location of Mn(II)
ion in Diaquazinc(diaquabismalonato)zincate by Spectroscopic studies EJONS
International Journal on Mathematics, Engineering and natural Science, 992
(2020) 730.
10. Edward Jeyakumar, S. Chidambara Vinayagam, J. Senthil Murugan and
P.S. Syed Ibrahim (2019): Molecular Interaction Studies in Ternary Liquid
Mixtures Cotaining 2-Nitroanisole and 1-Pentanol in n-Hexane at Different
Temperatures using Ultrasonic Techniques, International Research Journal of
Multidisciplinary Technovation (IRJMT) 1(5), pp. 08-15.
11. Edward Jeyakumar, S. Chidambara Vinayagam, J. Senthil Murugan and P.S.
Syed Ibrahim (2019): Molecular Interaction and Excess Studies of Ternary
Liquid Mixtures of 2-Nitro Anisole and 1-Butanol in n-Hexane at various
temperatures 303K, 308K and 313K using Ultrasonic Techniques, International
Journal of Future Trends in Engineering and Science (IJFTES) Volume 2, Jan –
March, www.ijftes.com
12. Edward Jeyakumar, S. Chidambara Vinayagam, J. Senthil Murugan and P.S.
Syed Ibrahim (2019): Ultrasonic Studies on excess properties of ternary liquid
mixtures of 2-chloroanisole with 1-Butanol in n-Hexane solution at 303, 308 &
313 K and at a fixed frequency 2MHz, International Journal of Information and
Computer Science
13. Edward Jeyakumar, S. Chidambara Vinayagam, J. Senthil Murugan and P.S.
Syed Ibrahim (2019): Molecular Interaction Studies and Excess Properties
of Ternary Liquid Mixtures of 2-Chloroanisole with 1-Pentanol in n-Hexane
solution at 303, 308 & 313K and at a fixed frequency 2MHZ using Ultrasonic
Techniques www. Ijrar.org Volume 6, Issue 2, pp.602-614.
14. Edward Jeyakumar, S. Chidambara Vinayagam,J. Senthil Murugan and P.S.
Syed Ibrahim (2019): Ultrasonic Investigation of Liquid – Liquids Interactions
in 2-Bromoanisole, 1-Pentanol in n-Hexane at Various Temperatures and a
frequency 2MHZ, International Journal of Scientific Research and Review
,Volume 8, Issue 6, pp. 388 – 400.
15. Edward Jeyakumar, S. Chidambara Vinayagam, J. Senthil Murugan and P.S.
Syed Ibrahim (2019): Excess Acoustical Properties and Molecular Interactions
in Ternary Liquid Mixtures of 3(Meta) Methoxy Phenol, 1-Propanol and
n-Hexane a 303K, 308K & 313 K using Ultrasonic Techniques, International
Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume
-8, Issue – 10S.
16. Dhanapalan Karthikeyan, Raji Atchudan, Palaniappan Selvakumar, Raji
Sivakumar and Mani Shanmugam (2017): Effect of preparation methods on
structure and catalytic activity of Ni loaded CexZr1-xO2 catalysts for hydrogen
production via autothermal reforming of ethane. Res. Chem. Intermed. 2017,
43, 2817-2837.
17. T. Rajachandrasekar, P. Selvakumar and K. Balakrishnan, (2016): photocatalytic
degradation of dichlorovos using graphite oxide based catalysts. J. of Environ.
Nanotechnol, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp 4-10.
18. M. Prabu, K. Parthipan, G. Chakkaravathi, E. Prabhagaran, G. Rajagopal
(2016): Synthesis, Characterization and Biological studies of Cu(II),
Ni(II), Co(II) and VO(IV) Complexes of Tridentate ONO Donar with
N’-[(E)-3-Bromo-5-chloro-2-hydroxybenzylidene]nictinohydrazide, Asian
Journal of Chemistry, Vol.8, pp.1661.
19. T. Rajachandrasekar, P. Selvakumar and K. Balakrishnan (2015): Photocatalytic
activity of chromium Nano titania for the mineralization of dichlorovos, J. of
Environ. Nanotechnol, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp 17-23.
20. J. Senthil Murugan and S. Chidambara Vinayagam (2015): Ultrasonic Studies
on Ternary Liquid Mixtures at Different Temperatures, International Journal of
Chem Tech Research Coden(USA), Volume – 7, pp.3181-3187
21. J. Senthil Murugan and S. Chidambara Vinayagam (2015): Ultrasonic Studies
on Interaction of Mesitylene with Alkanols in Cyclohexane solution at 303K,
Global Journal for Research Analysis, Vol. 4,No.8, pp.45-49
22. S. Ramachitra, R. Hema, P. Muthuausteria and K. Parthipan (2014):
Structural elucitation and location of Mn(II) ion in Tetraaquabis(hydrogen
maleato)cadmium(II): Single crystal EPR studies, Journal of Molecular
Structure, (1058), pp.173.
23. K. Parthipan , S. Ramachitra and P.S. Rao (2014): Structural elucitation
and position of the VO+2
ion diaquacadmium(diaquabismalonato)cadmate:
Spectroscopic studies, Monatsh Chem, (145), 585.
24. R. Hema, K. Parthipan, S. Ramachitra and S. Balaji (2013): Effect of VO(II)
Doping on structural and optical properties of
Diaquamalonato(1,10-phenanthroline)zinc(II): Bull.Chem.Soc, (34), 3547.
25. S. Ramachitra, K. Parthipan and B.B.Das (2013): A novel NaI/CuI I Complex
Synthesis, Spectral and Structural Characterization: Journal of Applicable
Chemistry, (2), 1523.
26. K. Parthipan, S. Ramachitra and P.S.Rao (2013): Synthesis and Structural
characterization of Bimetallic malonato zinc(II) and its Copper(II) doped
complex, Journal of Applicable Chemistry, (2), 680.
27. P. Geetha, K. Parthipan, P. Sathya and S. Balaji (2013): Structural Investigation
of Cu(II) in Alkaline salt of Bis(malonato)zincate(II) Anion Using Single crystal
EPR Techniques, Asian Journal of Chemistry, (25), 4791.
28. P. Geetha, K. Parthipan, P. Sathya and S. Balaji (2013): EPR and Optical Studies
of Malonato Zinc Coordination Polymer with VO(II) as Probe: An interstitial
Location, Advanced Chemistry Letters, (1), 44.
29. P. Geetha, K. Parthipan, P. Sathya and S. Balaji (2012): Structural investigations
of Mn(II) doped in diaquacesiumdiaquabismalonatozincate(II) using single
crystal EPR studies, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, (4),
30. P. Geetha, K. Parthipan and P. S. Rao (2012): Observation of Substitutional
location for VO(II) in hexaaquazinc(diaquabismalonato)zincate in different
crystals in additional to interstitial: A uncommon observation, Applied
Magnetic Resonance, (42), 117.
31. Palaniappan Selvakumar, Muthusamy Sarojadevi and Pudupadi
Sundararajan (2011): Organic Solvent-free Synthesis of phthalonitrile polymers
in ionic liquid and microwave media, Journal of polymer Engineering, 2011,
Vol. 31, pp 105-113.
32. R. Hema, K. Parthipan and P. S. Rao (2011): Spectral studies of Vanadyl doped
Triaqua(1, 10-phenanthroline-k2N,N)(Sulfato-kO)magnesium (II): Radiation
Effect and Defect of Solids 18 (2011) 1 .
33. M. Prabu, K. Parthipan, G. Chakkaravathi and G. Rajagopal
(2011): (E)-N-(3-Bromo 5-Chloro-2-hydroxy-benzylidene)nictotinohydrazide,
Acta Cryst E67 (2011) o2716
34. A. Thirugnanasundar, K. Parthipan,V.S. Xavier Anthonisamy and G. Chakkaravathi G. Rajagopal, (2011): N-[(1E)-3-bromo-5-chloro-2-hydorxybenzylidene]-4-tert-butylbezohydrazide ethanol monosolvate, Acta Cryst, E67, o2857
35. K. Parthipan, R. Hema and P. S. Rao (2011): Molecular structural Identification
and position of a dopant ion in Diaqua(2,2’-bipyridine)malonatozinc(II) by
Spectroscopic studies-II: VO(II), Journal of Molecular Structure, (992), 59.
36. R. Hema, K. Parthipan and P. S. Rao (2011): EPR, FTIR, Powder XRD studies
on Cu(II) ion in Triaqua(1, 10-phenanthroline-k2N,N)(Sulfato-kO)Zinc(II):
Applied Magnetic Resonance 40 (2011) 513.
37. S. Rajesh, K. H. Shobana, S. Anitha Raj and D. Mohan (2011): Preparation,
Morphology , Performance and Hydrophilicity studies of Poly(amide-imide)
incorporated Cellulose Acetate Ultrafiltration Membranes, Industrial &
Engineering Chemistry Research, (50), 5550.
38. Palaniappan Selvakumar, Muthusamy Sarojadevi and Pudupadi
Sundararajan, (2010): Synthesis, Characterization and Microwave-Enhanced
Polymerization of a Phthalonitrile Resin, Materials Science and Engineering B,
168, pp. 214-218.
39. Palaniappan Selvakumar, K. Padmini and M.Sarojadevi, (2010): Synthesis,
characterization and polymerization of imide-containing phthalonitrile
polymers- Journal of macromolecular science part A: pure and applied
chemistry, 47, pp.76-88
40. K. Parthipan and P. S. Rao, (2010): Molecular structural Identification
and position of Cu(II) Ion in Diaqua(2,2’-bipyridine)malonatozinc(II):
Spectroscopic studies, Journal of Molecular Structure, (977), 130.
41. K. Manvizhi, S. Ranjith, K. Parthipan, G. Rajagopal and A. Subbiahpandi,
(2010): 2-Bromo 4-Chloro-6-{(E)-diethyl-amino)phenyl-iminomethy } phenol,
Acta Cryst E66, o2422.
42. S. Anitha Raj, S. Rajesh, K. Lakshmi, K. H. Shobana and D. Mohan, (2010):
Effect of functionalisation on polysulfone – based ultrafiltration membranes,
International Journal of Nuclear Desalination.
43. Palaniappan Selvakumar and M.Sarojadevi, (2009): Development of
oligomeric phthalonitrile resins for advanced composite applications’
Macromolecular symposia, Vol. 277, pp.190-200
44. P. Balamurugan, R. Jagan, K. Parthipan, G. Rajagopal and K. Sivakumar,
(2008): Crystal structure of 3-[1-4-Bromophenylamino)ethyldiene]-6-methyl
pyrane-2,4-dione, Analytical Science, (24), x295.