The process begins in the month of May/June after the declaration of +2 Results. College applications can be received in person or through online. The application for admission is scrutinized and the process adheres to the Quota and rules given by the Directorate of Collegiate education. Meritorious students deserve these seats while the rest is accepted on the basis of the Department’s suggestion list of ranking. The students who seek admission must attach the copies of the necessary credentials informed in the application. Original copies are scrutinized and kept in the college. If the admission for the course is confirmed, students are advised to take photo copies before submitting their originals…
The P.G. applications are issued in the month of July/August and the scrutinisation is done in the respective departments. Day college offers P.G. Courses in Mathematics and Commerce while Shift II College offers M.B.A., M.C.A., that are based on common entrance examination (TANCET, CAT, MAT,) conducted by state or central governments and M.Sc. Bio-Chemistry by the department.
The admission for M.Phil, courses in Mathematics and Commerce starts in the month of September. This is given for P.G. Students who have secured at least 55% aggregate. The admission to the above said courses abide to the rules and regulation of Government of Tamilnadu.
The Shift II admission for all the U.G. Courses is based on the academic record and rules laid by University of Madras. The admission process begins simultaneously in the month of May/ June.